Tuesday 26 November 2013

Project 5: Sense Of Place: Neighbourhood and Community

This is a unforgettable project.

It let me to stay up almost 3 or 4 nights to finish it.

Finally I feel what called HBP life. 'Hantu Balik Pagi'=HBP

And suddenly I feel that how small is the A3 size cartridge paper.

We need to observe, think, sketch, colour, write and render in once.

This is new challenge for us.


I still learned a lot from this project.

Now, I know that how to draw a site plan, location plan, key plan.

I know that how to use a tracing paper.

I know that the elements and components of a neighbourhood planning.

You will feel that impossible you can finish it when you done it.

This is amazing.

Project 5a: Neighbourhood Elements: Existing Condition

 Project 5b: Neighbourhood Elements: Proposed Improvement

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